Civil War US Value Uniforms. Imported. Economical. Entry Level Uniforms. Sack, Shell, Frock Coats, Vests, Trousers




Federal Union Uniforms

C&C Sutlery is PROUD to offer High-Quality, Imported Clothing at an affordable price.

C&C Sutlery strives to meet the needs of the Entry Level reenactor, the Still-growing Young reenactor, the Occasional reenactor as well as the reenactor desiring the most authentic representation.

  • The C&C Sutlery Imported Clothing features HANDSTITCHED Button Holes as well as other HANDSTITCHING details where appropriate.
  • The C&C Sutlery Imported Wool is high quality officer-grade wool.
  • The C&C Sutlery Imported Clothing is beautifully constructed with great attention to detail and is period-correct.
  • The C&C Sutlery economical products enable the new reenactor to enter into reenacting at an affordable price.
  • The C&C Sutlery high-quality, yet economical products enable the budget-conscious to expand their reenacting wardrobe.
  • C&C Sutlery has personally inspected and approved each product prior to adding it to our web site. 

In most cases body length is adequate for both regular and longer torsos. Sleeve length is adequate for both regular and longer arms.

NOTE: The wool and cotton garments will shrink once it gets wet or is washed. Order 1-2 sizes larger than you normal size.

Be sure to have your measurements available when ordering. CLICK HERE for Clothing Measurement Information.
We want to ship you the right size the FIRST time.

Click to read our RETURN and EXCHANGE Policy.

Branch of Service Colors:

  • Artillery: Red
  • Cavalry: Yellow
  • Infantry: Sky Blue
BummerUS_Import_SM.jpg US Forage Cap (Bummer)

The Forage Cap, also called a Bummer, is taller than the kepi and the crown drapes forward.

This US Forage Cap, made of Navy Blue Wool, has a heavy leather brim, functional chin strap with brass side buttons and center buckle, leather sweat band, and is lined.

Click on the picture for more images.

Click HERE to read about our Imported clothing.



BummerMcDbrimUS_Import_SM.jpg US Forage Cap (Bummer) McDowell Brim

The Forage Cap, also called a Bummer, is taller than the kepi and the crown drapes forward.

This US Forage Cap, made of Navy Blue Wool, has a McDowell style heavy leather brim, functional chin strap with brass side buttons and center buckle, leather sweat band, and is lined.

Click on the picture for more images.

Click HERE to read about our Imported clothing.



ForageCapBerdanMcDVL_SM US Forage Cap Berdan Sharpshooter McDowell Brim

The US Berdan Sharpshooter Forage Cap is made of green wool and has a "McDowell" style brim . The forage cap is taller than the kepi and the crown drapes forward. The cap has a heavy leather brim, functional chin strap with brass side buttons and center buckle, leather sweat band, and is lined.

Click on the picture for more images.



KepiUSImport2-1_SM US Kepi

This US Kepi is made in Navy Blue wool for both cap and band. The kepi has a heavy leather brim, functional chin strap with brass side buttons and center buckle, leather sweat band, and is lined. 

Now available in Black for Chaplain

Click on the picture for more images.

Click HERE to read about our budget-line clothing.



KepiBerdanVL_SM US Kepi - Berdan Sharpshooter

The US Berdan Sharpshooter kepi is made in a green wool. The kepi has a heavy leather brim, functional chin strap with brass side buttons and center buckle, leather sweat band, and is lined.

Click on the picture to enlarge.



USKepiOfficerLT-VL_SM US Kepi - Officer: Lieutenant

This US Kepi is made in Navy Blue wool for both cap and band. The Lieutenant's kepi has ONE row of black braid on the top, sides, front and back of the kepi to indicate the officer rank. One row of braid also encircles the hat above the band. The kepi has a heavy leather brim, functional chin strap with brass side buttons and center buckle, leather sweat band, and is lined.

Click on the picture for more images.



USKepiOfficerCT-VL_SM US Kepi - Officer: Captain

This US Kepi is made in Navy Blue wool for both cap and band. The Captain's kepi has TWO rows of black braid on the top, sides, front and back of the kepi to indicate the officer rank. One row of braid also encircles the hat above the band. The kepi has a heavy leather brim, functional chin strap with brass side buttons and center buckle, leather sweat band, and is lined.

Click on the picture for more images.



USKepiOfficerMj-VL_SM US Kepi - Officer: Major

This US Kepi is made in Navy Blue wool for both cap and band. The Major's kepi has THREE rows of black braid on the top, sides, front and back of the kepi to indicate the officer rank. One row of braid also encircles the hat above the band. The kepi has a heavy leather brim, functional chin strap with brass side buttons and center buckle, leather sweat band, and is lined.

Click on the picture for more images.



USKepiOfficerLtCol-VL_SM US Kepi - Officer: Lt Colonel

This US Kepi is made in Navy Blue wool for both cap and band. The Lt Colonel's kepi has FOUR rows of black braid on the top, sides, front and back of the kepi to indicate the officer rank. One row of braid also encircles the hat above the band. The kepi has a heavy leather brim, functional chin strap with brass side buttons and center buckle, leather sweat band, and is lined.

Click on the picture for more images.



USKepiOfficerGen-VL_SM US Kepi - Officer: General

This US Kepi is made in Navy Blue wool for both cap and band. The General's kepi has FIVE rows of black braid on the top, sides, front and back of the kepi to indicate the officer rank. One row of braid also encircles the hat above the band. The kepi has a heavy leather brim, functional chin strap with brass side buttons and center buckle, leather sweat band, and is lined.

Click on the picture for more images.



USFrockGenl_SM_MARKED US Frock Coat - General 16 ,18 or 24 Button Front

The US General Frock Coat is made of 16 oz. Navy Blue Wool and features a Black Velvet Collar and Cuffs. The Coat is Double Breasted with a 16, 18 or 24 Button Front Button Pattern of Federal Staff Buttons. The Functional Cuff is closed with 3 small Federal buttons. All Button Holes are HAND STITCHED. There is a 4 Button Pattern on the back of the split skirt and the folds of the skirt conceal additional pockets. The pocket flaps are faced with Black Velvet. The Frock Coat is fully lined in Black Cotton and there is an inside breast pocket.

  • 16 Button Front is available: 4x2 - 4 groups of 2 buttons per side
  • 18 Button Front is available: 3x3 - 3 groups of 3 buttons per side
  • 24 Button Front is available: 3 groups of 4 buttons per side
  • A Padded and Quilted Chest can be added to this coat

Click on the picture for more images.

Most sizes are in stock. Limited Stock for larger sizes.  Please allow 4-8 weeks for delivery of special sizes.



US-FrockDB-VL_SM-MARKED US Frock Coat - Senior Officer Double Breasted 14 Button Front

The US Senior Officer Frock Coat is made of 16 oz. Navy Blue Wool. The Coat is Double Breasted with a 14 Button Front of Federal Eagle Buttons. The Functional Cuff is closed with 3 small Federal buttons. All Button Holes are HAND STITCHED. There is a 4 Button Pattern on the back of the split skirt and the folds of the skirt conceal additional pockets. The Frock Coat is fully lined in Black Cotton and there is an inside breast pocket.

  • Federal STAFF Buttons are an option for this coat
  • A Padded and Quilted Chest can be added to this coat

Click on the picture for more images. Most sizes are In Stock. Limited sizes over 50 and under 38.  Please call 208-398-7279 if you have questions. Please allow 3-6 weeks for delivery of other sizes.



US-FrockSB-VL_SM_MARKED US Frock Coat - Junior Officer Single Breasted

The US Junior Officer Frock Coat is made of 16 oz. Navy Blue Wool. The Coat is Single Breasted with a 9 Button Front of Federal Eagle Buttons. The Functional Cuff is closed with 3 small Federal Eagle buttons. All Button Holes are HAND STITCHED. There is a 4 Button Pattern on the back of the split skirt and the folds of the skirt conceal additional pockets. The Frock Coat is fully lined in Black Cotton and there is an inside breast pocket. A Padded and Quilted Chest is an option for this Frock Coat.

Click on the picture for more images. Most sizes are In Stock. Please call 208-398-7279 if you have questions. Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery of sizes under 36 and over size 50.



US-FrockEnlistInf-VL_SM_MARKED US Frock Coat - Enlisted

The M-1861 US Enlisted Frock Coat is the regulation dress coat for foot soldiers: Infantry, Heavy Artillery, Engineers, Hospital Stewards and Ordnance Department.

The US Enlisted Frock Coat is made of 16 oz. Navy Blue Wool with Branch of Service Piping on the Collar and the inverted "V" on the Cuff. The Coat is Single Breasted with a 9 Button Front of Federal Eagle Buttons. The Functional Cuff is closed with 2 small Federal Eagle buttons. All Button Holes are HAND STITCHED. There is a 2 Button Pattern on the back of the split skirt and the folds of the skirt conceal additional pockets. The Frock Coat body is lined in Black Cotton and the sleeves are lined in Natural Cotton Muslin. The Frock Coat Skirt is unlined and the Hem is left raw (unhemmed) per the originals. There is an inside breast pocket.

Click on the picture for more images. Most sizes for Artillery (or) Infantry are In Stock. Please call 208-398-7279 if you have questions. Please allow 4-6+ weeks for delivery of Larger Sizes (or) for Cavalry Trim.



US-FrockMusic-VL_SM_MARKED US Frock Coat - Enlisted Musician

The US Enlisted Musician Frock Coat is made of 16 oz. Navy Blue Wool with Branch of Service 1/2 inch wool tape on the front, collar and the inverted "V" on the cuff. The Coat is Single Breasted with a 9 Button Front of Federal Eagle Buttons. The Functional Cuff is closed with 2 small Federal Eagle buttons. All Button Holes are HAND STITCHED. There is a 2 Button Pattern on the back of the split skirt and the folds of the skirt conceal additional pockets. The Frock Coat body is lined in Black Cotton and the sleeves are lined in Natural Cotton Muslin. The Frock Coat Skirt is unlined and the Hem is left raw (unhemmed) per the originals. There is an inside breast pocket.

Click on the picture for more images. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.



BerdanFrock_SM_MARKED US Frock Coat - Berdan Sharpshooter

The US Berdan Sharpshooter Frock Coat is made of field service grade 16 oz. Dark Green Wool with Emerald Green Branch of Service Piping on the Collar and the inverted "V" on the Cuff. The Coat is Single Breasted with a 9 Button Front of Federal Eagle Buttons. The Functional Cuff is closed with 2 small Federal Eagle buttons. All Button Holes are HAND STITCHED. There is a 2 Button Pattern on the back of the split skirt and the folds of the skirt conceal additional pockets. The Frock Coat body is lined in Black Cotton and the sleeves are lined in Natural Cotton Muslin. The Frock Coat Skirt is unlined and the Hem is left raw (unhemmed) per the originals. There is an inside breast pocket.

Click on the picture for more images. Very Limited Stock. Call 208-398-7279 if you have questions. Please allow 4-6+ weeks for delivery.



USFrockNaval_SM_MARKED US Frock Coat - Marine Enlisted Undress

The M-1859 USMC Enlisted Undress Frock Coat is made of 16 oz. Navy Blue Wool. Per the USMC Uniform Regulations the red piping trim is only around the bottom of the collar. The Coat is Single Breasted with a 7 Button Front of large Marine Buttons. The Functional Cuff is closed with 2 small buttons. All Button Holes are HAND STITCHED. There is a 2 Button Pattern on the back of the split skirt and the folds of the skirt conceal additional pockets. The Frock Coat body is lined in Black Cotton and the sleeves are lined in Natural Cotton Muslin. The Frock Coat Skirt is unlined and the Hem is left raw (unhemmed) per the originals. There is an inside breast pocket.


This Frock Coat is Special Order ONLY and is subject to a MINIMUM 20% restocking fee. Please allow AT MINIMUM 4-6 weeks for delivery. Click to read our RETURN and EXCHANGE Policy.


US_ShellSrOffVL_SM_MARKED US Shell Jacket - Senior Officer Double Breasted 14 Button Front

The US Senior Officer Shell Jacket is made of 16 oz. Navy Blue Wool. The Jacket is Double Breasted with a 14 Button Front of Federal Eagle Buttons. The Functional Cuffs are closed with 3 small buttons. All Button Holes are HAND STITCHED. The jacket is fully lined in Black Cotton lining and there is an inside breast pocket. Federal Staff "Muffin" Buttons are available for an additional cost.

Click on the picture for more images. Limited stock. Contact us if you have questions. Call 208-398-7279 for specifics. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery of some items.



USShellGenl_SM_MARKED US Shell Jacket - General 16 or 18 Button Front

The US General Shell Jacket is made of 16 oz. Navy Blue Wool accented with a Black Velvet Collar and Cuff. The Jacket is Double Breasted with a 16 Button Front in the 4x2 Button Pattern of Federal Eagle Buttons. The Functional Cuffs are closed with 3 small buttons. All Button Holes are HAND STITCHED. The jacket is fully lined in Black Cotton lining and there is an inside breast pocket.

  • An 18 Button Front is available: 3x3 - 3 groups of 3 buttons per side
  • Federal STAFF Buttons are an option for this jacket

Click on the picture for more images. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.



US_ShellOfficerJR_SM_MARKED US Shell Jacket - Junior Officer Single Breasted

The US Junior Officer Shell Jacket is made of 16 oz. Navy Blue Wool. The Jacket is Single Breasted with a 9 Button Front of Federal Eagle Buttons. There are 3 small buttons on the Non-functional Cuff. All Button Holes are HAND STITCHED. The jacket is fully lined in Black Cotton lining and there is an inside breast pocket.

Click on the picture for more images. Most sizes are In Stock. Call 208-398-7279 for specifics. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery for other sizes.



ShellUS_Import_SM_MARKED US Shell Jacket - 9 Button Roundabout Lined

The US Shell "Roundabout" Jacket is made from 15 oz. Navy Blue Wool and has a 9 Button Front of Federal Eagle Buttons. The jacket features straight sleeves with non-functional cuffs without buttons and a short standing collar. The Shell Jacket body lining is black cotton and the sleeve lining is natural cotton muslin. There is one inside pocket.

This US Shell Jacket is often called a "Roundabout". An untrimmed jacket, the Roundabout was a carry over from the Mexican War period. It was used by several Union States as their State Militia Uniform Jacket.

Click on the picture for more images. NOTE: Please allow 4 weeks for a TALL.


Click HERE to read about our Imported clothing.


ShellUS_Art_Import_SM_MARKED US Shell Jacket - Artillery

The US Regulation Shell Jacket was worn by US Light Artillery units throughout the war.

This US Shell Jacket is made from quality 16 oz Navy Blue wool and is trimmed in 3/8 inch Artillery Red wool tape. The jacket has a 12 button front of Federal Eagle buttons. The button holes are HANDSTITCHED. The jacket has 2 button functional cuffs and 2 buttons on each side of the standing collar and saber belt bolsters on the back. The body is lined in brown cotton and the sleeves are lined in unbleached muslin. There is one inside pocket. The collar trim has double rows of tape. The collar, sleeve, front edge, bottom, back seams, and bolsters of the jacket are trimmed in tape. The bolsters are rolled.

The bolsters were set at the bottom of the rear/side seams and were designed to 'bolster' the weight of an artillery saber belt which carried the pistol and saber of a mounted soldier. The mounted services jackets are typically longer than most other Civil War shell jackets as the belt needed ride above the bolsters.

Click on the picture for more images.



USShellCavVL_SM_MARKED US Shell Jacket - Cavalry
$99.95 $89.95 On SALE!

The US Regulation Shell Jacket was worn by US Cavalry units throughout the war.

This US Shell Jacket is made from quality 16 oz Navy Blue wool and is trimmed in 3/8 inch Cavalry Yellow wool tape. The jacket has a 12 button front of Federal Eagle buttons. The button holes are HANDSTITCHED. The jacket has 2 button functional cuffs and 2 buttons on each side of the standing collar and saber belt bolsters on the back. The body is lined in brown cotton and the sleeves are lined in unbleached muslin. There is one inside pocket. The collar trim has double rows of tape. The collar, sleeve, front edge, bottom, back seams, and bolsters of the jacket are trimmed in tape. The bolsters are rolled.

The bolsters were set at the bottom of the rear/side seams and were designed to 'bolster' the weight of an artillery saber belt which carried the pistol and saber of a mounted soldier. The mounted services jackets are typically longer than most other Civil War shell jackets as the belt needed ride above the bolsters.

Click on the picture for more images.



USShellMusicianVL_SM_MARKED US Shell Jacket - Musician

The US Enlisted Musician Shell Jacket is made of 16 oz. Navy Blue Wool with Branch of Service 1/2 inch wool tape on the front, collar and the inverted "V" on the cuff. The Jacket is Single Breasted with a 9 Button Front of Federal Eagle Buttons. The Functional Cuff is closed with 2 small Federal Eagle buttons. All Button Holes are HAND STITCHED. The Jacket is lined in Black Cotton and the sleeves are lined in Natural Cotton Muslin. There is an inside breast pocket.

The bolsters were set at the bottom of the rear/side seams and were designed to 'bolster' the weight of a saber belt which carried the pistol and saber of a mounted soldier. The mounted services jackets are typically longer than most other Civil War shell jackets as the belt needed ride above the bolsters.

Click on the picture for more images. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.



SackUS_Import_SM_MARKED US Sack Coat, Lined

For fatigue duty, US soldiers were issued a blouse, commonly called a “sack coat”.

This US Sack Coat has a 4 button front of medium Federal Eagle buttons and is made of 15 oz. Navy Blue wool. It has a roll collar, is fully lined in black cotton, has an inside pocket.

We recommend going up in size for a loose fit.

Click on the picture for more images. NOTE: Please allow 4 weeks for a TALL and sizes over 54.

Click HERE to read about our Imported clothing.



IW1874FatigueCav-VL_SM_MARKED Indian War M1874 Fatigue Blouse

The M1874 Indian War Fatigue Blouse is made of 16 oz. Dark Blue wool, features a 5-button front of medium sized US Eagle buttons and HAND STITCHED button holes. The Fatigue Blouse has an exterior patch breast pocket and straight sleeves with a 2 button functional cuff. The Blouse is fully lined in muslin with one inside pocket. The collar and cuff are trimmed with Branch of Service piping.

Click on the picture for more images.

Imported. Limited sizes with Cavalry Branch of Service Trim are In Stock. Call 208-398-7279 for specifics. Please allow 4- 6 weeks for delivery for other sizes and Branch of Service Trim colors.


IW1883FatigueVL_SM_MARKED Indian War M1883 Fatigue Blouse

The M1883 Indian War Fatigue Blouse is made of 16 oz. Dark Blue wool, features a 5-button front of medium sized US Eagle buttons and HAND STITCHED button holes. The bottom off the blouse is squared. The Fatigue Blouse has an exterior patch breast pocket and straight sleeves with a 2 button functional cuff. The Blouse is fully lined in muslin with one inside pocket. The 1883 Fatigue Blouse was issued without the Branch of Service piping trim in an effort to reduce costs.

Click on the picture for more images.

Imported. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.


GreatCoatFootBL-US_SM_MARKED Greatcoat - US Enlisted Foot

The US Enlisted Foot Greatcoat is worn by Infantry, Heavy Artillery, Hospital Stewards and Engineers. This is a serviceable coat at an economical price.

The US Enlisted Foot Greatcoat is a Single Breasted 5 Button Front Coat with a 6 Button Elbow Length Cape using Federal Eagle Buttons. The Coat features a Stand Up Collar and Fold Down Cuffs. The coat is made of 15 oz. Sky Blue Wool with a Brown Cotton Body Lining that extends just below the waist. The sleeves are lined in brown cotton. The coat skirt has a split back seam and the belted back features 2 large Federal Eagle buttons. The bottom edge of the skirt is hemmed.

For a roomier fit over sack coats and shell jackets, order 1-2 sizes larger than your normal size.

Click on the picture for more images.

Click HERE to read about our Imported clothing.



US_GeatCoatMtdVL_SM_MARKED Greatcoat - US Mounted Services

The US Mounted Services Greatcoat is worn by Cavalry and Mounted Artillery. The Coat is a Double Breasted 12 Button Front Coat with a 12 Button Cape that extends to the cuff. The coat uses Federal Eagle Buttons and the button holes are HAND STITCHED. The Coat features a Stand and Fall Collar and Fold Down Cuffs.

The coat is made of 16 oz. Sky Blue or Navy Blue Wool with a heavy cotton body lining that extends just below the waist. The coat skirt has a split back seam and the belted back features 2 large buttons. The hem is left raw (unhemmed) as per originals. Navy blue is for officer.  Most sizes will need to be ordered.  Let us know if you want it made with a certain button for Officer.

For a roomier fit over sack coats and shell jackets, order 1-2 sizes larger than your normal size.

Click on the picture for more images.

Imported. Limited sizes in are In Stock. Call 208-398-7279 for specifics. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery for other sizes. Navy blue color has to be ordered.


IW-GreatCoatMntCav-VL_SM_MARKED Indian War M1880 Mounted Greatcoat

The Indian War M1880 Mounted Greatcoat is a Double Breasted 10 Button Front with a 10 Button Cape that extends to the cuff. The Cape is lined with Wool in the color denoting Branch of Service. The Coat features a Fold Down Collar and Fold Down Cuffs. It uses US Federal Eagle buttons and the button holes are HAND STITCHED.

The Greatcoat is made of 16 oz. Sky Blue Wool with a heavy cotton body lining that extends just below the waist. The coat skirt has a split back seam and the belted back features 2 large buttons. The hem is left raw (unhemmed) as per originals.

For a roomier fit over sack coats and shell jackets, order 1-2 sizes larger than your normal size.

Click on the picture for more images. 

Please allow 4-8 weeks for delivery of standard colors, and an extended delivery time for special colors.




This Chaplain Frock Coat is appropriate for the Confederate, Union, and Civilian Chaplain.

Chaplain Frock Coat is made of 16 oz. Black Wool. The Coat is Single Breasted with a 9 Button Front of large Black Fabric Covered Buttons . The Functional Cuff is closed with 2 small Black Buttons. All Button Holes are HAND STITCHED. There is a 2 Button Pattern on the back of the split skirt and the folds of the skirt conceal additional pockets. The Chaplain Frock Coat is fully lined in Black Cotton and has an inside breast pocket.

Click on the picture for more images. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.


General Orders 108
December 16, 1861
131. The uniform for Chaplains of the Army will be plain black frock coat with standing collar, and one row of nine black buttons; plain black pantaloons; black felt hat, or army forage cap, without ornament. On occasions of ceremony, a plain chapeau de bras may be worn.


CIVFROCKVL Civilian Frock Coat

The Civilian Frock Coat is made of 14-16 oz. wool. The coat features a 3 or 4 button front using covered, domed buttons. The 2-button cuffs are straight. The coat has 2 exterior flap pockets, one interior pocket, and is fully lined in cotton lining. There are 2 buttons on the back and the skirt is slit.

Click on the picture for more images. Black Wool and Brown Wool are In Stock. Call 208-398-7279 for specifics.

Most sizes are in stock. Sizes larger than 50 may need to be ordered.

Please allow 3-6 weeks for delivery for sizes larger than 50.



USTrouserFoot_BL_SM Trousers - US Foot Sky Blue

The US Foot Trouser is made of quality 16 oz. Sky Blue Wool with cotton facings and pockets. The button fly is lined with cotton to make it more flexible for buttoning. The adjustable "V" back on the waistband has eyelet holes for a tie to allow for waist adjustment. The trousers have a watch pocket and side seam pockets. Fly buttons and suspender buttons are pewter. Inseam measurement is not needed as the trousers are unhemmed and can be either rolled up, cut off, or hemmed by the customer.

These trousers are worn higher than today's jeans. However, we are well fed and many of us have larger stomachs and our jeans are worn below the stomach. Order ONE size larger than your normal jean size. If you want an exceptionally loose fit, order TWO sizes larger than your normal jean size.

By regulation, Union enlisted color is sky blue.

Click on the picture for more images. Most sizes are in stock. Call 208-398-7279 if you have questions. Please Allow 3 weeks for sizes over 48 and under 30.



USTrouserFootNavy_BL_SM Trousers - US Foot Navy Blue

The US Foot Trouser is made of quality 16 oz Navy Blue Wool with cotton facings and pockets. The button fly is lined with cotton to make it more flexible for buttoning. The adjustable "V" back on the waistband has eyelet holes for a tie to allow for waist adjustment. The trousers have a watch pocket and side seam pockets. Fly buttons and suspender buttons are pewter. Inseam measurement is not needed as the trousers are unhemmed and can be either rolled up, cut off, or hemmed by the customer.

These trousers are worn higher than today's jeans. However, we are well fed and many of us have larger stomachs and our jeans are worn below the stomach. Order ONE size larger than your normal jean size. If you want an exceptionally loose fit, order TWO sizes larger than your normal jean size.

The 1858 Army Regulations called for Generals and Staff Officers Trousers to be of Dark Navy Blue wool and to be plain without any piping or cording down the outside seam. The 1861 Army Regulations revised the Staff Officer trouser to have a 1/8 inch metallic gold cording down the outside seam of each leg.

Click on the picture for more images. Most sizes are in stock. Call 208-398-7279 if you have questions. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery of sizes over 48 and below 30.



TrouserBerdanVLSide_SM Trousers - US Foot Berdan Sharpshooter

The US Berdan Sharpshooter Foot Trouser is made of 16 oz. Dark Green Melton wool with cotton facings and pockets. The button fly is lined with cotton to make it more flexible for buttoning. The adjustable "V" back on the waistband has eyelet holes for a tie to allow for waist adjustment. There is a dart on the back of each side that makes the trousers taper into the waistband. The trousers have a watch pocket and side seam pockets. Fly buttons and suspender buttons are pewter. Inseam measurement is not needed as the trousers are unhemmed at 34 inches and can be either rolled up, cut off, or hemmed by the customer.

These trousers are worn higher than today's jeans. However, we are well fed and many of us have larger stomachs and our jeans are worn below the stomach. Order ONE size larger than your normal jean size. If you want an exceptionally loose fit, order TWO sizes larger than your normal jean size.

Click on the picture for more images. Please allow AT MINIMUM 4-6 weeks for delivery depending on size.



US_TrouserStripeSide_SM Trousers - US Foot with Rank Stripe

The US Foot Trouser with Enlisted Rank Stripe is made of 16 oz wool. The trousers have a watch pocket and side seam pockets. Fly buttons and suspender buttons are pewter. The adjustable "V" back on the waistband has eyelet holes for a tie to allow for waist adjustment. Inseam measurement is not needed as the trousers are unhemmed and can be either rolled up, cut off, or hemmed by the customer. By regulation, Union enlisted color is sky blue, however, Navy blue is also available.

These trousers are worn higher than today's jeans. However, we are well fed and many of us have larger stomachs and our jeans are worn below the stomach. Order ONE size larger than your normal jean size. If you want an exceptionally loose fit, order TWO sizes larger than your normal jean size.

 limited stock on sizes larger then 46 and smaller sizes below 30. contact us for availability. Many sizes must be ordered due to variations. Contact us if you have questions.

Select rank stripe width and branch of service color.

Click on the picture for more images.


We keep some select sizes in stock, but sometimes require them to be custom made specifically for you. This is subject to a MINIMUM 10% restocking fee. Please allow AT MINIMUM 3-6 weeks for delivery. Click to read our RETURN and EXCHANGE Policy.


USTrouserBranchCordVL_SM Trousers - US Foot Officer with Branch of Service Cording

The 1858 Army Regulations called for officers, except Generals and Staff Officers, to wear Dark Navy Blue trousers with 1/8 inch cording down the outside seam of each leg denoting branch of service. The 1862 Uniform Regulations changed the trouser color to Sky Blue for Artillery, Cavalry, and Infantry officers.

The US Foot Officer's Trousers feature 1/8 inch Branch of Service Cording down the outside seam of each leg. The trouser is made of quality 16 oz. wool with cotton facings and pockets. The button fly is lined with cotton to make it more flexible for buttoning. The adjustable "V" back on the waistband has eyelet holes for a tie to allow for waist adjustment. The trousers have a watch pocket and side seam pockets. Fly buttons and suspender buttons are pewter. Inseam measurement is not needed as the trousers are unhemmed and can be either rolled up, cut off, or hemmed by the customer.

These trousers are worn higher than today's jeans. However, we are well fed and many of us have larger stomachs and our jeans are worn below the stomach. Order ONE size larger than your normal jean size. If you want an exceptionally loose fit, order TWO sizes larger than your normal jean size.

Limited sizes in stock for Artillery and Infantry.  Wait time for most sizes is currently 3-4 weeks. Sizes larger than 44 must be ordered.

Click on the picture for more images.


These trousers are custom made specifically for you and are subject to a MINIMUM 10% restocking fee. Please allow AT MINIMUM 4-6 weeks for delivery. Click to read our RETURN and EXCHANGE Policy.


PantUSOfficerImport_SM.jpg Trousers - US Foot Officer with Metallic Gold Cording

The 1861 Army Regulations called for Officers of the General Staff and Staff Corps to wear Dark Navy Blue trousers with 1/8 inch metallic gold cording down the outside seam of each leg.

The US Officer Foot Trousers are made of quality 16 oz Navy Blue Wool and feature an 1/8 inch Metallic Gold Cording down the outside seam of each leg. The trouser is made of wool with cotton facings and pockets. The button fly is lined with cotton to make it more flexible for buttoning. The adjustable "V" back on the waistband has eyelet holes for a tie to allow for waist adjustment.  The trousers have a watch pocket and side seam pockets. Fly buttons and suspender buttons are pewter. Inseam measurement is not needed as the trousers are unhemmed and can be either rolled up, cut off, or hemmed by the customer. The 1858 Regulations called for Navy Blue trousers for all officers.

These trousers are worn higher than today's jeans. However, we are well fed and many of us have larger stomachs and our jeans are worn below the stomach. Order ONE size larger than your normal jean size. If you want an exceptionally loose fit, order TWO sizes larger than your normal jean size.

Click on the picture for more images. Most sizes are in stock. Call 208-398-7279 if you have questions regarding special order sizes.  Please allow AT MINIMUM 4-6 weeks for delivery for Special ordered sizes 48 and up.



PantsUSMountedImport_SM.jpg Trousers - US Mounted

The US Mounted Trouser is made of quality 16 oz. Sky Blue or Navy Blue wool with cotton facings and pockets. The mounted trouser has a reinforced seat and leg. The button fly is lined with cotton to make it more flexible for buttoning. The adjustable "V" back on the waistband has eyelet holes for a tie to allow for waist adjustment. The trousers have a watch pocket and side seam pockets. Fly buttons and suspender buttons are pewter. Inseam measurement is not needed as the trousers are unhemmed and can be either rolled up, cut off, or hemmed by the customer. By regulation, the Union enlisted color is sky blue.

These trousers are worn higher than today's jeans. However, we are well fed and many of us have larger stomachs and our jeans are worn below the stomach. Order ONE size larger than your normal jean size. If you want an exceptionally loose fit, order TWO sizes larger than your normal jean size.

Click on the picture for more images. Most sizes are in stock. Call 208-398-7279 if you have questions.  Please allow AT MINIMUM 3-4 weeks for delivery of Special Order sizes 48 and up and below 30.



TrouserMountedSBRankHalfInchCav_SM Trousers - US Mounted Sky Blue with Rank Stripe

The US Mounted Trousers with Enlisted Rank Stripe is made of 16 oz wool. The trousers have a watch pocket and side seam pockets. Fly buttons and suspender buttons are pewter. The adjustable "V" back on the waistband has eyelet holes for a tie to allow for waist adjustment. Inseam measurement is not needed as the trousers are unhemmed and can be either rolled up, cut off, or hemmed by the customer. By regulation, Union enlisted color is sky blue.

These trousers are worn higher than today's jeans. However, we are well fed and many of us have larger stomachs and our jeans are worn below the stomach. Order ONE size larger than your normal jean size. If you want an exceptionally loose fit, order TWO sizes larger than your normal jean size.

Infantry and Artillery rank stripe are Made to Order. Most sizes must be ordered due to variations.

Select rank stripe width and branch of service color.

Click on the picture for more images.


These trousers are custom made specifically for you and are subject to a MINIMUM 10% restocking fee. Please allow AT MINIMUM 4-6 weeks for delivery. Click to read our RETURN and EXCHANGE Policy.


TrouserMountedSBPipingCav_SM Trousers - US Mounted Officer Sky Blue with Branch of Service Cording

The US Mounted Officer's Trousers feature 1/8 inch Branch of Service Cording down the outside seam of each leg. The trouser is made of quality 16 oz. Sky Blue wool with cotton facings and pockets. The button fly is lined with cotton to make it more flexible for buttoning. The adjustable "V" back on the waistband has eyelet holes for a tie to allow for waist adjustment. The trousers have a watch pocket and side seam pockets. Fly buttons and suspender buttons are pewter. Inseam measurement is not needed as the trousers are unhemmed and can be either rolled up, cut off, or hemmed by the customer.

These trousers are worn higher than today's jeans. However, we are well fed and many of us have larger stomachs and our jeans are worn below the stomach. Order ONE size larger than your normal jean size. If you want an exceptionally loose fit, order TWO sizes larger than your normal jean size.

Do to the verity of options many sizes have to be ordered. Artillery and infantry are limited.

Click on the picture for more images.


We do keep select sizes in stock, but with all the different option and sizes of trousers some are custom made specifically for you and have to be ordered.

A MINIMUM 10% restocking fee can apply depending on selection. Click to read our RETURN and EXCHANGE Policy.


TrouserMarine_SM_MARKED Trousers - US Navy/Marine White Cotton

The M1859 US Navy/Marine White Cotton Trouser is worn by both officers and enlisted men. The trouser is made of quality white cotton duck canvas. The trousers have a watch pocket and side seam pockets. The adjustable "V" back on the waistband has eyelet holes for a tie to allow for waist adjustment. Fly buttons and suspender buttons are pewter. Inseam measurement is not needed as the trousers are unhemmed and can be either rolled up, cut off, or hemmed by the customer.

These trousers are worn higher than today's jeans. However, we are well fed and many of us have larger stomachs and our jeans are worn below the stomach. Order ONE size larger than your normal jean size. If you want an exceptionally loose fit, order TWO sizes larger than your normal jean size.

Click on the picture for more images.


These trousers are custom made specifically for you and are subject to a MINIMUM 20% restocking fee.

Please allow AT MINIMUM 4-6 weeks for delivery. Limited in-stock availability. Click to read our RETURN and EXCHANGE Policy.


TrouserCivilianVLBlk_SM_MARKED Trousers - Chaplain - Black

The Chaplain Trousers is made of quality 16 oz. Black Wool with cotton facings and pockets. The button fly is lined with cotton to make it more flexible for buttoning. The adjustable "V" back on the waistband has eyelet holes for a tie to allow for waist adjustment. The trousers have a watch pocket and side seam pockets. Fly buttons and suspender buttons are pewter.

These trousers are worn higher than today's jeans. However, we are well fed and many of us have larger stomachs and our jeans are worn below the stomach. Order ONE size larger than your normal jean size. If you want an exceptionally loose fit, order TWO sizes larger than your normal jean size.

Inseam measurement is not needed as the trousers are unhemmed and can be either rolled up, cut off, or hemmed by the customer.

Click on the picture for more images.

Imported. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.


IWTrouserVL_SM Indian War M1872 Foot Trousers

The M1872 Indian War Foot Trouser is made of 16 oz. Sky Blue Wool. The Indian War Trouser features a wider waistband with 2 pewter buttons. The adjustable "V" back on the waistband has eyelet holes for a tie to allow for waist adjustment. The trousers have a watch pocket and Side Seam Pockets. Fly buttons and suspender buttons are pewter. Inseam measurement is not needed as the trousers are unhemmed at 33 inches and can be either rolled up, cut off, or hemmed by the customer. The Trousers have cotton facings and pockets. The button fly is lined with cotton to make it more flexible for buttoning.

These trousers are worn higher than today's jeans. However, we are well fed and many of us have larger stomachs and our jeans are worn below the stomach. Order ONE size larger than your normal jean size. If you want an exceptionally loose fit, order TWO sizes larger than your normal jean size.

Click on the picture for more images.    Please allow 4- 6 weeks for delivery.



VestUSImport_SM_MARKED Vest - US Enlisted

The US Enlisted Vest is made of officer quality 16 oz. Navy Blue Wool. The Vest Front is slightly padded and the Vest Back is made of Black polished cotton. The 9 button front uses Federal Eagle buttons and features HAND STITCHED Button Holes. The front of the vest features 3 exterior fixed flap pockets; 2 at the waist and one on the left chest. The back is adjustable with a tie belt. The vest is lined and has no inside pockets.

Click on the picture for more images.

Most sizes are In Stock. Please call 208-398-7279 if you have questions.



VestChaplainVL_SM_MARKED Vest - Chaplain

The Chaplain Vest has a 14-16 oz. Black Wool front and a black polished cotton back. The Vest features 9 fabric covered buttons, HAND STITCHED Button Holes, and three exterior pockets. The front of the vest is lightly padded and lined in muslin. There are two adjustable ties on the vest back.

Click on the picture for more images. Please allow 4-8 weeks for delivery for sizes over 48.



Shirt4ButtonImportWhite_SM_MARKED Shirt - Button, White Bleached - Value Line

The value line Button Shirt, made of bleached white cotton muslin, is patterned after the original. This style of shirt features a roll over collar, button cuffs, a gusseted underarm. The shirt-tail hem is curved. The button shirt is popular for its comfort and style.

Click on the picture for more images.



Shirt4ButtonImport_SM_MARKED Shirt - Button, Natural Unbleached - Value Line

The value line Button Shirt, made of natural, unbleached cotton muslin, is patterned after the original. This style of shirt features a roll over collar, button cuffs, a gusseted underarm. The shirt-tail hem is curved. The button shirt is popular for its comfort and style. 

Click on the picture for more images.



Shirt4ButtonRedImport_SM_MARKED Shirt - Button Red - Value Line

The value-line Button Shirt made of hand-dyed Red Cotton is patterned after the original. This style of shirt features a roll over collar and a gusseted underarm. The shirt-tail hem is curved. The button shirt is popular for its comfort and style.

Note: Hand-dyed color can vary with each dye lot.

Click on the picture for more images.



Shirt4ButtonBlueImport_SM_MARKED Shirt - Button Blue or Gray - Value Line

The value-line Button Shirt made of (Hand-dyed Dark Blue or Gray) Cotton is patterned after the original. This style of shirt features a roll over collar and a gusseted underarm. The shirt-tail hem is curved. The button shirt is popular for its comfort and style.

 Note: Hand-dyed color can vary with each dye lot.

Now Available in 1870's Hand-dyed Gray.

Click on the picture for more images.



ShirtBlueCheckImport_SM_MARKED Shirt - Button, Checked - Value Line
$26.95 $23.95 On SALE!

The value line Checked Button Shirt is patterned after the original. This style of shirt features a roll over collar, a gusseted underarm, button cuff, and curved shirt-tail hem. The back is yoked. The button shirt is popular for its comfort and style. Made of checked cotton.

Click on the picture for more images.

(Brown is limited to supplies on hand. Not available in size Mediun, X-Large, or 4XL at this time.)



ShirtBibRedImport_SM_MARKED Shirt - Bib Red - Value Line

The value-line Bib Front Shirt, sometimes called a Fireman Shirt, was worn by both the North and the South. The shirt features a wide neck and broad falling collar. The underarm is gusseted and the shirt-tail hem is straight. The double breasted bib is removable. Made of Hand-dyed Red Cotton with pewter buttons.

Note: Hand-dyed color can vary with each dye lot.

Click on the picture for more images.



ShirtBibBlueImport_SM_MARKED Shirt - Bib Blue - Value Line

The value-line Bib Front Shirt, sometimes called a Fireman Shirt, was worn by both the North and the South. The shirt features a wide neck and broad falling collar. The underarm is gusseted and the shirt-tail hem is straight. The double breasted bib is removable. Made of Hand-dyed Blue Cotton with pewter buttons.

Note: Hand-dyed color can vary with each dye lot.

Click on the picture for more images.



ShirtDressImport_SM_MARKED Shirt - Pleated - Value Line

The value-line Pleated Shirt has a pleated front, a 4 button placket, button cuffs, and features pewter buttons. The collar folds over. The underarm is gusseted and the shirt-tail hem is straight. Made of white cotton.

Click on the picture for more images.



BeltUSImport_SM.jpg Belt - Enlisted US Oval Belt Plate - Value Line
$29.95 $26.95 On SALE!

Quality economical M1855 US issue enlisted belt including cast brass (NOT lead filled) US oval belt plate. This belt fits waist sizes up to 50 inches. The belt is available in black leather only.

Low Stock.

Click on the picture for more images.



BeltIWImport_SM.jpg Belt - Indian War & 2-piece M1874 US Buckle - Value Line

Quality, economical Indian War 1 3/4 inch belt comes complete with a 2-piece US cast brass buckle. A brass hook makes this belt adjustable up to a 50 inch waist. The belt is only available in black leather.

Click on the picture for additional images.

